No-Bake Christmas Chocolate Salami

No-Bake Christmas Chocolate Salami


This festive no-bake Christmas chocolate salami is so simple to make but will really impress.


No-Bake Christmas Chocolate Salami


I love Christmas time. All those sweet treats to make but give away. A proper little baker’s guilt free paradise. I’ve mentioned before how a special occasion is always a good excuse to make things for the kids I teach and I always go a little extra OTT at Christmas.

This no-bake Christmas chocolate salami was one of this year’s offerings. In fact, I’ve just come back from teaching a class where I took some of this and the remains of my gingerbread honeycomb. It’s safe to say that the sugar content had them dizzy with excitement, with many of them needing to be extracted from the ceiling. Sorry mums. Good job it is only once a year.

Chocolate salami is a popular dessert in Italy and Portugal and so named because well, it looks like a salami (from the outside and also when sliced). I’ve made one before using Swedish candy, but wanted try a Christmas themed version. And no festive season treat would be complete without gingerbread, would it?


No-Bake Christmas Chocolate Salami


I also added a few M&Ms for colour and the loose crumbs from the afore-mentioned honeycomb also went it. Had I not been making this for kids, I would have also added dried cranberries to really get the whole Christmas thing going.

The wonderful thing about chocolate salami is that you can add whatever you like. Traditionally nuts and biscuits (cookies) are added but don’t limit yourself to just those. Be creative and throw whatever you like in.


No-Bake Christmas Chocolate Salami


  • 100g (3½ oz) dark chocolate
  • 100g (3½ oz) milk chocolate
  • 50g (¼ cup) butter
  • 1 egg
  • 50g (¼ cup) white sugar
  • 20g (1 tbsp + 2 tsp) brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons brewed coffee (omit if you don't like coffee)

Salami contents (see notes):

  • 165g (6 oz) M&Ms
  • 20g (¾ oz) pepparkakor
  • 20g (¾ oz) honeycomb


  • Melt the chocolate along with the butter in a Bain Marie / double boiler.
  • Combine the egg, sugar and coffee and add to the melted chocolate mixture.
  • Stir regularly, and cook for around five minutes (just until the sugar melts).
  • Remove from the heat and allow to cool for a while.
  • Prepare the contents of your salami (see notes) and add to a bowl.
  • Pour over the chocolate mixture and stir carefully, just until everything is combined.
  • Place the bowl in the fridge for around an hour to set a little.
  • Pour your mixture out onto a long piece of cling-film and gently shaped it so you have a long, rough "sausage".
  • Roll up the cling-film and gently squeeze, roll and push until your "salami" is smooth and round.
  • Twist the ends of the cling-film tightly, and place in the fridge for another hour.
  • Remove the salami and roll again to get it as round and smooth as possible.
  • Place back in the fridge and leave overnight.
  • When ready to serve, sprinkle icing sugar over a piece of baking paper.
  • Remove the clingfilm, and roll the salami in it, brushing off any excess. Cut into thick slices.
  • Keep at room temperature (popping it back in the fridge if you don't eat it all in one go). Enjoy!


  1. I used pepparkakor (gingerbread) but you can use any cookie you like. I also had some leftover gingerbread honeycomb and threw that in. You can use anything for your chocolate salami. This could be candy, dried fruit, nuts, you name it. 
I have converted grams to cups/ounces/tablespoons using online converters. Although I have no reason to believe they are inaccurate, please be aware that I have not made the recipe with imperial measurements.
In addition, many ingredients are different in Europe compared to North America. I do all I can to offer possible alternatives and to ensure the best possible outcomes for everyone. However, results cannot always be guaranteed if you have not used the same ingredients, measurements or methods as me.
Lastly, I do everything I can to ensure that my recipes (and instructions) are accurate and easy to follow. However, I am human, and don't always get it right. If you notice anything strange, a mistake, or even a typo, please let me know in the comments. 


No-Bake Christmas Chocolate Salami

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