Quick & Simple Recipes (with The Spelt Kitchen)


I just wanted to let everyone know that I have a new YouTube channel called Quick and Easy Recipes (with The Spelt Kitchen).

For those of you who check in with the blog regularly, you will already be aware that I had recently started a YouTube channel. I’ve been recreating old, loved recipes in the form of videos, and adding them to my blog posts. I’ve had so much fun with it! I have to be honest and say that it’s thrilling, but at the same time, a little challenging. As someone who likes to prepare and create my recipes in a calm manner, not worrying about spills and messes, I’ve found filming a little bit stressful at times. However, now I feel I am getting into my groove and the process is a lot smoother.



My original plan was to just carry on a natural progression and create videos for the recipes I already have. However, it hasn’t quite worked out that way. I noticed that I started to veer more towards recipes that were easy to film and create in one shot. Many of my recipes are a little more complicated than that. I’ve also moved away from showcasing the wonderful spelt, focusing more on quick and simple recipes everyone can make.



So, that’s my little update! Make sure you check out my new channel Quick and Simple Recipes (with The Spelt Kitchen), as there were will be recipes there that aren’t featured on the blog!


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