Maple Syrup Berry Jam with Lemon and Chia Seeds


picture of berry jam in a jar


This recipe for maple syrup berry jam first appeared on The Culinary Jumble.

When you consider making jam, the first thought might be how laborious it is. Not if you make this simple version, it isn’t.

I make my own jam pretty often – it’s always an excellent way to use up any fresh fruit, but works just as well with frozen fruit. But unlike other jams, this one doesn’t need straining, sterilising, pectin or anything else regular jam making involves. The only downside is that you have to consume it within a couple of days but with something as delicious as this, I can live with that.

I actually rarely by store bought jam now (and if I do, I don’t personally eat it), as I find it too sweet and artificial tasting, not to mention packed full of things that really don’t need to be there.


picture of berry jam in a jar


I’ve used chia seeds in this maple syrup berry jam, mainly to thicken it, but also because they are little nutritious powerhouses, which can be slipped into so many different recipes, without you (or should I say, your kids) even realising they are there.

Although quite a buzzword in health circles for a while, the benefits of chia are becoming more universally recognised. If chia is not something you are familiar with, take a look at why you should be adding them to your diet right now.



There is no refined sugar in this recipe, instead maple syrup has been used to sweeten it. Why not slather it on a little bread, such as my cinnamon wholemeal toast bread or super soft bread rolls?

Step by step instructions for how to make my jam (including photos) can be found on Instructables.


Maple Syrup Berry Jam with Lemon and Chia Seeds

Course Preserve


  • 400g berries (fresh or frozen)
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar (or extract)
  • 4 tablespoons maple syrup (or use honey, if you prefer)
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds


  • Place the berries, lemon juice, vanilla and maple syrup in a medium-sized pan, then heat for around 10 minutes, just until the berries are nice and soft. If you have any large lumps, just squidge them with a fork.
  • Add the chia seeds and continue to cook for a further 10-15 minutes until a thick jam consistency forms. Taste and adjust the sweetness if necessary. Remove from the heat, and allow the jam cool completely.
  • Pour into a jar(s) with a lid. It won't last as long as shop-bought jam, but if you store it in the fridge, it should last for a week.


I use grams in my recipes as weighing ingredients is the most accurate method. However, if cups are your thing, you can convert my measurements at Cook it Simply.
Simple Berry, Lemon and Chia Seed Homemade Jam
Maple Syrup Berry Jam with Lemon and Chia Seeds

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