Simple Swedish Chocolate Oat Balls (Chokladbollar)

a pictture of three rows of swedish chocolate oat balls


Swedish chocolate oat balls, also known as chokladbollar, are one of Sweden’s favourite little bites of deliciousness. The recipe (or variations of it) are recreated in most Swedish homes. Kids love making them. There’s nothing more complicated than throwing a few simple ingredients together. So, if you’d like your kids to get their hands dirty (literally) in the kitchen, this is the perfect recipe to try.

They are kind of like a hard truffle, made with cocoa, oats, coffee and butter. Although chokladbollar are so popular here, there are some differences. Some recipes are made with melted butter, which I think leads to a more truffle-like texture. This recipe is definitely firmer, which gives an almost crumbly consistency. It’s hard to explain. Best bet is for you just to make them and find out for yourself.


close up of a swedish chocolate oat ball


The decoration for Swedish chocolate oat balls varies. More traditional varieties usually have coconut or pearl sugar. I wanted to add a little colour so as well as using these two, also opted for some pretty sprinkles. You can use whatever you fancy, but I did find it easier to roll them in coconut and my kids thought, surprisingly, that the coconut version tasted the best (I thought sprinkles would win hands down. They may be teenagers, but the love of a little coloured sugar doesn’t fade with age. However, they reported that the sprinkles just didn’t go with the chokladbollar).



If you like these Swedish chocolate oat balls, why not check out my other sweet treats?


Simple Swedish Chocolate Oat Balls (Chokladbollar)

Course Candy
Cuisine Swedish
Prep Time 10 minutes
Fridge 1 hour
Servings 18 balls


  • 150g butter (room temperature)
  • 180g sugar
  • teaspoons vanilla sugar (see notes)
  • 40g cocoa
  • 3 tablespoon strong brewed coffee (cold)
  • 280g oats


  • Coconut, pearl sugar or sprinkles (as much as is needed to cover the balls)


  • Cream the butter and sugar together until light.
  • Add the other ingredients one at a time until everything comes together.
  • Roll into around 18 balls of a size a little smaller than a golf ball (although it doesn't matter how big or small you make them).
  • Place whatever you are using as decoration in a bowl and roll the balls in it until they are covered. Place in a container and keep in the fridge for an hour or so. The chokladbollar will last several days in the fridge. Enjoy!


If you don't have vanilla sugar, just use vanilla extract instead.


Simple Swedish Chocolate Oat Balls (Chokladbollar)Simple Swedish Chocolate Oat Balls (Chokladbollar)

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