Spelt Chocolate Pie (with Homemade Caramel and Rolo Chocolate Ganache)









This spelt chocolate pie is filled with simple, quick homemade caramel and topped with a rich chocolate ganache made with dark and milk chocolate, plus a helping of melted Rolos.


a picture of a chocolate pie with a slice missing


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Chocolate pastry is a new favourite of mine. I’ve made individual fruit pies in the past, but this time I wanted a pastry case for a caramel pie. I’d watched an episode from The Hairy Bikers where they made an orange meringue pie, and a recreation of that recipe was my original plan.


a side view of a chocolate pie


However, I soon realised that my kids would grumble at the orange curd filling (Philistines) and thought they would much prefer a caramel option instead.


a picture of a chocolate pie with a slice missing


So, I used the Hairy Bikers chocolate pie crust recipe as the base to my pie (doing a straight swap using spelt instead of regular flour). I then followed a recipe for simple, homemade caramel from one of my favourite recipe creators, Nagi at Recipe Tin Eats, to make my scrumptious filling.


a slice of chocolate pie


Substitutions for the Rolo chocolates

The spelt chocolate pie was then topped off with a delicious ganache using dark chocolate for colour and a slight bitterness as well as milk chocolate for a little sweetness.

We can’t buy Rolo here in Sweden. Boo. So, for this recipe, I used a similar Swedish chocolate called Center. The Swedish chocolate can’t really compare to the uber gooey Rolos, but they are an excellent substitute.

Before writing this post, I had no idea that America had their own version of Rolo. The packaging seems to look almost identical, but as this review suggests, the actual chocolates are very different. However, for his recipe, the American version would work just as well. 


a close up of a chocolate caramel pie


Although this spelt chocolate pie is a little time consuming (there are several stages) it is so easy. It looks beautiful with a glossy ganache topping and will impress. Nobody needs to know just how easy it was to make (I promise I won’t tell anyone).

If you like this recipe, check out my other caramel recipes:




Spelt Chocolate Pie (with Homemade Caramel and Rolo Chocolate Ganache)

Course Dessert


Chocolate Pastry:

  • 180g (1½ cups) spelt flour (see note 1)
  • 50g (¼ cup + 3 tbsp) cocoa
  • 50g (¼ cup + 1 tbsp) icing sugar
  • 150g (½ cup + 3 tbsp) cold butter (chopped into small bits)
  • 1 egg yolk (from one medium egg)
  • cold water (if needed)


  • 50g (3 tbsp + 2 tsp) butter
  • 100g (½ cup) brown sugar
  • 1 can (395g) (14 oz) sweetened condensed milk


  • 50g (3 tbsp + 2 tsp) butter (chopped)
  • 250ml (1 cup) whipping cream
  • 100g (3½ oz) dark chocolate
  • 100g (3½ oz) milk chocolate
  • 160g soft caramel chocolates (see note 2)


Chocolate Pastry:

  • Add the flour, cocoa, icing sugar and butter to a food processor and work until the ingredients form a breadcrumb consistency (don't worry if some larger pieces of butter remain).
  • Add the egg yolk and work until a dough forms.
  • If you need a touch of cold water to help bind the ingredients, then add a little at a time (a tablespoon is a good start), just until you are left with a not too sticky or too dry dough (see note 3).
  • Form the dough into a ball and cover with clingfilm.
  • Place in the fridge for around 30-60 minutes.
  • Pre-heat the oven to 200°C (400℉).
  • On a floured surface, roll the dough out into a large circle, then transfer to a baking tin or pie dish (see note 4).
  • Trim the edges and place tin foil or baking paper in the bottom and fill with dried peas or whatever else you use to blind bake.
  • Place in the oven to bake for 15 minutes.
  • Remove the foil and dried goods and bake for a further five minutes.
  • Take out of the oven, and reduce the temperature to 175°C (350℉).
  • Allow the crust to cool for a while. You could leave this overnight if you preferred, or even freeze the pastry case for another time.


  • Add the butter to a heavy-bottomed pan and heat until just melted.
  • Add the sugar, and give it a little stir (but be aware that the butter and sugar may not completely incorporate at this stage).
  • When the sugar has melted and the mixture is bubbling nicely, add in the condensed milk.
  • Whisk constantly on a medium heat for about 4-5 minutes, until the mixture has a good bubble going and steam appears. Remove from the heat.
  • Pour the caramel into the pie case and bake for 15 minutes. The caramel is ready when it has dark brown patches, is bubbling but has formed a "skin". Allow to cool completely.

Chocolate Ganache:

  • Add the butter and milk to a pan and heat until the liquid starts a gentle rolling boil.
  • In the meantime, chop all the chocolate, including 80g (2¾ oz) Rolos (or similar) into small pieces and add to a deep bowl.
  • Pour over the cream/butter mixture and leave for around 5 minutes.
  • Whisk together until you end up with a thick ganache.
  • Leave for a short while before pouring over the cooled pie.
  • Place in the fridge to set (at least a couple of hours) then top with the extra Rolos.
  • Drizzle over some caramel sauce, if you like. Slice and enjoy!


  1. You can substitute spelt flour for regular flour (just do a straight swap using the same measurements).
  2. You can use Rolos or anything similar (in Sweden, and what I used, are called Center).
  3. I didn't need any water at all - at first it might seem that one egg yolk is not enough liquid when it probably is. So make completely sure before you add any water.
  4. I used a very shallow pie dish with a removable bottom that is 27cm (just over 10") in diameter. I had pastry to spare, so you could easily make a larger pie, but you would need to adapt the filling measurements.
I have converted grams to cups/ounces/tablespoons using online converters. Although I have no reason to believe they are inaccurate, please be aware that I have not made the recipe with imperial measurements.
In addition, many ingredients are different in Europe compared to North America. I do all I can to offer possible alternatives and to ensure the best possible outcomes for everyone. However, results cannot always be guaranteed if you have not used the same ingredients, measurements or methods as me.
Lastly, I do everything I can to ensure that my recipes (and instructions) are accurate and easy to follow. However, I am human, and don't always get it right. If you notice anything strange, a mistake, or even a typo, please let me know in the comments. 
Spelt Chocolate Pie (with Homemade Caramel and Rolo Chocolate Ganache)Spelt Chocolate Pie (with Homemade Caramel and Rolo Chocolate Ganache)Spelt Chocolate Pie (with Homemade Caramel and Rolo Chocolate Ganache)

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