Spelt Vanilla Shortbread Cookies with Strawberries & Cream






Spelt Vanilla Shortbread Cookies with Strawberries & Cream


The idea for these spelt vanilla shortbread cookies filled with whipped cream and strawberries came about the usual way. I had stuff in my fridge I needed to use up and fast. I’d opened a carton of cream for some soup the other day and had some pretty strawberries that sat forlornly alongside the cream. And really, there is no better combo than strawberries and cream. Right?


Spelt Vanilla Shortbread Cookies with Strawberries & Cream


As I am fond of saying (okay, then. Repeating myself), spelt flour can be substituted for regular flour in pretty much anything. So, if you’re looking at these and wanting them to be your own but haven’t yet succumbed to the wonder that is spelt, fear not. Just use good old regular, plain flour, instead.


Spelt Vanilla Shortbread Cookies with Strawberries & Cream


I deliberately made these spelt vanilla shortbread cookies very thin. Although there is nothing wrong with a massive chunk of cookie in your gob, I wanted these to be more delicate. The cookie dough I use is so simple to whip up and needs no refrigeration which means you have cookies on your table in less than 30 minutes. There is no baking powder, egg or any other raising agent so the cookies stay nice and flat, making them perfect to have strawberries and cream dolloped on them. 


Spelt Vanilla Shortbread Cookies with Strawberries & Cream


These spelt vanilla shortbread cookies remind me of something you’d have for afternoon tea. The weather is starting to become nice here, with longer days and lots of sunshine. Nothing screams summer louder than strawberries and cream, does it? However, don’t just save them for summer: why not serve them over the Christmas festivities or to celebrate new year? So, get these easy to make cookies ready and impress your guests, whenever you eat them. They will never know just how simple they were to make.

If you like this recipe, check out my other Sweet Treats



Spelt Vanilla Shortbread Cookies

These dainty spelt vanilla shortbread cookies are made with spelt flour. Filled with whipped cream and strawberries, this simple cookie recipe will impress!
Course Cookie
Cuisine Not specific
Keyword Spelt Vanilla Shortbread Cookies
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes


Cookie Dough:

  • 115g (½ cup) butter (room temperature)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 50g (½ cup) icing/powdered/confectioners' sugar
  • 140g (1 cup + 1 tbsp) spelt flour (see note 1)


  • 6 large strawberries (cut into small pieces)
  • 250ml (1 cup) whipping cream
  • icing sugar (for sprinkling)


Cookie Dough:

  • Pre-heat the oven to 175ºC / 350F, and line a large baking tray with grease proof paper.
  • Cream the butter, vanilla and icing sugar together until fluffy.
  • Add the flour to the butter/sugar and mix just until a dough forms.
  • Roll the dough out between two sheets of baking paper until it is very thin.
  • Using a round cutter, cut circles out of the dough. I used a small cutter and ended up with 18 circles (so made 9 cookie sandwiches) but you can make them as small or large as you like, just remember to adjust the baking time (smaller cookies require less time).
  • Bake for 8-10 minutes until the edges are starting to brown. They will look undercooked but take them out or you will end up with over-baked cookies.
  • Leave them on the tray for five minutes until they've hardened a little, then move to a wire rack and allow to cool completely.


  • Whip the cream until it is firm and forming peaks.
  • Stir in the chopped strawberries.


  • Take half of the cookies and place a dollop of cream on each one (how much you use will depend on how big your cookies are).
  • Place the remaining cookies on top (so that you make a little sandwich).
  • Sprinkle with a little icing sugar, and enjoy!


  1. I've made these with both spelt and regular flour, and noticed that they were a little drier with regular flour. Therefore, if you would like to substitute the spelt flour for regular, just use 130g instead. 
I have converted grams to cups/ounces/tablespoons using online converters. Although I have no reason to believe they are inaccurate, please be aware that I have not made the recipe with imperial measurements.
In addition, many ingredients are different in Europe compared to North America (and the rest of the world). I do all I can to offer possible alternatives and to ensure the best possible outcomes for everyone. However, results cannot always be guaranteed if you have not used the same ingredients, measurements or methods as me.
Lastly, I do everything I can to ensure that my recipes (and instructions) are accurate and easy to follow. However, I am human, and don't always get it right. If you notice anything strange, a mistake, or even a typo, please let me know in the comments. 





Spelt Vanilla Shortbread Cookies with Strawberries & CreamSpelt Vanilla Shortbread Cookies with Strawberries & CreamSpelt Vanilla Shortbread Cookies with Strawberries & CreamSpelt Vanilla Shortbread Cookies with Strawberries & Cream

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