Spelt Pita Bread with Grilled Chicken Kebab (just like your local takeaway)


Spelt Pita Bread with Grilled Chicken


This spelt pita bread with grilled chicken will give your local kebab house a real run for its money. The chicken kebabs are melt in the mouth soft, with the yoghurt marinade working wonderful magic. The homemade pita finishes off the meal perfectly.

We love a good takeaway in our house. Although we enjoy eating them, the biggest incentive to get one is that there is very little cleaning up. The actual cooking doesn’t bother me but the mess left after? Oh, if I could somehow arrange for someone to clean up all my cooking paraphernalia, I would be the happiest woman alive. And also the fattest because I would bake constantly.


Spelt Pita Bread with Grilled Chicken


The origins of chicken shish kebab

Shish kebab (which is what the chicken in this dish is), hails from Turkey. The food of nomadic Turks since time immemorial, the word shish is Turkish for skewer. Kebab is thought to derive from the Persian word kabab, which means roasted to roast or fry. Therefore, it’s no huge surprise that a shish kebab is skewered meat, usually cooked over an open fire.

Shish kebabs came along for the ride with the Turkish, Cypriot and Kurdish immigrants that landed on British shores as early as the 1940s. The famous döner kebab first appeared in 1966. Since then, both have held the position of firm favourites among us Brits. 


Why this food is better than any takeaway

I’ve already mentioned that the main incentive for a takeaway is to take it easy. But what about the food? Does this homemade pita bread stuffed with chicken kebab equal a takeaway in taste?

Well, let’s just say that this spelt pita bread and grilled chicken kebab, stuffed with crispy salad along with spicy chilli and creamy garlic sauces is my idea of food heaven. I’ve been recreating the elements for this dish for a while now and have to say, it is better than any takeaway. My kids agree, too. So, not only does it equal the deliciousness of a takeaway, it far excels it.

It takes a bit of time to pull everything together, but it is not difficult. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time, though, because the longer you leave the chicken marinating and the sauces to develop their flavours, the better. 

Although you can’t deny the convenience of a takeaway every now and again, the main perk of cooking your own is knowing what’s gone into it. Chicken is a fairly cheap source of good quality protein and is low in fat. Then, you have tonnes of veggies. By making your own version of a kebab house special, you are ensuring that you are feeding your family the best.


Spelt Pita Bread with Grilled Chicken


The kebab sauces

Anyone from the UK will know that it isn’t a kebab without sauce. My favourite combo is creamy garlic sauce mixed with some mouth-burning chilli sauce. 

The garlic sauce is my own and is nothing more complicated than throwing some mayo, Greek yoghurt and garlic together. Leave it as long as you can so that the garlic infuses with the yoghurt and mayonnaise. 

The chilli sauce is borrowed from Fuss Free Flavours. I stumbled across it one day, and Helen has really captured an authentic kebab shop chilli sauce. It’s perfection. 

It’s virtually impossible to describe the taste sensations going on eating this spelt pita bread with grilled chicken kebab. The hit of chilli, the creamy garlic, the gently spiced meat. So, so good. If you like a chicken kebab from your local kebab shop this will not disappoint. Pinkie promise.


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Spelt Pita Bread with Grilled Chicken Kebab

Ditch the takeaway for this fakeaway spelt pita bread with grilled chicken kebab. Bread machine pita with spelt flour and melt in the mouth chicken kebab.
Course Main Course
Cuisine British
Keyword Spelt Pita Bread with Grilled Chicken Kebab


Pita breads (see note 1):

  • 250ml (1 cup) milk
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 350g (3 cups) spelt flour (see note 2)
  • ½ tablespoon sugar
  • 7g (2 tsp) dried yeast (see note 3)
  • ½ tablespoon salt

Grilled chicken:

  • 200ml (¾ cup) Greek yoghurt
  • juice of ½ lemon
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon ketchup
  • ½ tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 4 cloves garlic (crushed)
  • 2 teaspoons paprika
  • 1 teaspoon chilli powder
  • ½ teaspoon oregano
  • salt & pepper (to personal taste)
  • 800g (28¼ oz) chicken (chopped into large chunks)
  • olive oil (for cooking, if required)

Garlic sauce (see note 4):

  • 250g (1 cup) Greek yoghurt
  • 150g (¾ cup) mayonnaise
  • 4 garlic cloves (crushed)
  • juice of ½ lemon
  • ¼ teaspoon paprika

Chilli sauce:


Pita breads (see notes):

    Bread Machine:

    • Add the milk and olive oil to your bread machine pan. Then add the remaining dough ingredients, taking care to keep the yeast and salt separate as much as possible. Set your machine to make dough.

    Stand Mixer:

    • Add the milk and olive oil to your stand mixer, and quickly mix together. Add the remaining ingredients. If you need more flour, just add it a little at a time.
    • Allow the mixer to knead the dough for around 5-10 minutes (until the dough is soft and pliable).
    • Cover the dough and leave to proof (until it has doubled in size - usually about an hour).
    • When the dough is ready, knock it back, and form into a rough ball.

    For both methods:

    • When the dough is ready, line one or two large baking trays with paper. Pre-heat the oven to 225ºC / 437℉ (the oven needs to be very hot to ensure the pitas puff, so give the oven plenty of time to warm).
    • Divide into 6-8 balls (depending on how large you want them) and roll out (using a little flour if necessary) into oval shapes. You will need them to be very thin otherwise you will not get pita pockets, so it might be a good idea to roll out then transfer to your baking tray. If the dough springs back, roll several times until it is thin. If the pitas are too thick, they will be more like naan bread.
    • Sprinkle (or brush over) a little cold water and bake for around 3-4 minutes. They are ready when they have completely puffed up. They will be very pale and soft but don't over-bake or your pitas will be dry and the pockets will be harder to open.
    • Place pitas on a tea-towel and cover completely until ready to serve. Eat them warm (you can make them in advance and warm them in the oven for a few minutes before using).

    Chicken kebabs:

    • Mix the chicken kebab ingredients together then add the chicken. Cover and place in the fridge for at least one hour but several hours is better.
    • When ready to cook either place the chicken on skewers and grill (if it is summer, you can BBQ them), grill them in the oven or use a frying/griddle pan. 


    • Garlic sauce: mix all ingredients together until well combined. Place in the fridge and let rest for as long as you can (this way, the flavour really intensifies).
    • The chilli sauce comes from Fuss Free Flavours. Please pop over to find the recipe and ingredients. 


    1. I have made the dough using both a stand mixer and bread machine. Although I see no reason why you couldn't make the dough by hand, I have not personally tried it.
    2. You can use spelt or regular flour for this recipe (use the same amount).
    3. In Sweden we have something called dried yeast. It is used both in warm liquid and allowed to proof, and it is also added directly to flour. I am aware that the US has two options for dried yeast, and I believe dry active yeast is the most similar to our dried yeast.
    4. The measurements for the garlic sauce make a lot. We love it. However, you don't need this much - simple halve or quarter the ingredients if you don't need as much.
    I have converted grams to cups/ounces/tablespoons using online converters. Although I have no reason to believe they are inaccurate, please be aware that I have not made the recipe with imperial measurements.
    In addition, many ingredients are different in Europe compared to North America. I do all I can to offer possible alternatives and to ensure the best possible outcomes for everyone. However, results cannot always be guaranteed if you have not used the same ingredients, measurements or methods as me.
    Lastly, I do everything I can to ensure that my recipes (and instructions) are accurate and easy to follow. However, I am human, and don't always get it right. If you notice anything strange, a mistake, or even a typo, please let me know in the comments.



    Spelt Pita Bread with Grilled Chicken Kebab (just like your local takeaway)Spelt Pita Bread with Grilled Chicken Kebab (just like your local takeaway)

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